From top, L to R : The editor dude, Oliver Goetzl, Lars Pfeiffer, Chris Kugelman, Alex Stoloff
Sorry for having been a bit lame at not posting for a while, got lots of things going on here (more on that later). Just wanted to recount a little about my time at Jackson Wild Festival which took place in the very peaceful surroundings of Seewinkel National Park in the South of Austria (Burgenland). It was my first time back in Austria since I went there on a school trip when I was 18 so I was really happy to be going back as I loved it the first time round. Having just completed scoring a show for Austria’s national broadcaster ORF a few months earlier, I was really looking forwards to meeting some of the people I’d worked with such as Marc Kosak and Gernot Lercher, and I’ve got to say it was a real pleasure to meet them in real life, and catch up with some old buddies like Lars Pfeiffer and his crew. Also, meeting new lovely people such as party girls Bibiane Zeller-Presenhuber & Birgit Skulski, the inimitable Oliver Goetzl, the legend that is Klaus Scheurich and his lovely partner in crime Annette, serious music-head Petra Lederhilger, wild outdoorsman Chris Kugleman and many others, particularly from Terra Mater and ORF. Had a few meetings, took advantage of the pool and sauna, drove into Hungary for a day (we were about 15 minutes from the border), but most of all, went to some great discussions and screenings and met great people. Thanks so much, Jackson Wild, you guys rock!

From L to R : Klaus Scheurich, Alex Stoloff